A packed coach and two smoking atheists. [Edited]

Another in my occasional blogs about our travels…

(Edited to include clarifications and reflections).

Lone Support Angel and Our Gormless Nerk.

I don’t know if you know this but one of the many reasons I am obsessed with history is the myths and legends of Ancient Greece. Understandable really when you consider my education. Back in the dark ages (or the 1970s of you prefer) the British education system insisted on teaching history in a semi-factual basis. To put it another way, the younger you are the earlier period you were taught – I was about to say “studied” but obviously as a 5 or 6 year old you don’t really study, you just sit and listen as an adult tells you supposed “facts” and you are expected to just accept them. Because to a six year old stories about hiding an army inside a giant wooden horse is as believable as a man on a winged horse cutting off a snake woman’s head. Later in life of course, you can (as I did) choose to go back and do your own research to determine whether what you were indoctrinated with was fact or propaganda.

Anyway, back to Ancient Greek mythology and “history”. The unraveling of the interweaving of fact and fiction is central to the understanding the Ancient World. Thanks to the work of hundreds of scholars over the past century or so (whether they were enthusiastic amateurs or trained professionals) we can argue that some of the stories from Classical history have some basis in fact but other tales are most probably entirely fantasy.

Achilles may have existed but I doubt anyone would disagree that he wasn’t dipped into magic blood/water to protect him from harm leaving only the one heel vulnerable. The siege and subsequent sacking of Troy probably did occur (though I don’t personally believe the siege lasted ten years, nor do I think the wooden horse is more than poetic licence).

In other words, while we have evidence that Agamemnon and his brother Menelaus (if we can believe those names) and some of the others named in the works of Homer existed, the evidence for Theseus, Bellerophon, Medea, Ariadne and Andromeda is sadly lacking. And it is sad. I personally would love to find evidence for at least two of these mythological characters. Obviously the main characters from these myths, the deities, are most probably entirely fictional.

You may have noticed I did qualify that statement.

That’s because while their divinity is entirely fictional, it is not outside the realms of possibility that there were people with those names (or similar) and over hundreds (if not thousands) of years, their real identities and accomplishments were mythologised and deified. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not even remotely suggesting that Zeus, Aphrodite, Ares, et al were real people that lived on Mount Olympus; throwing thunderbolts and controlling the seas, bringing forth springs or creating winged horses by cutting off priestesses heads. I’m not that gullible or stupid.

Their semi-divine offspring are more problematic to determine, recorded history is replete with evidence of warriors and nobility claiming decent from gods. Even real historic figures that we have a relatively large amount of information about are not immune to mythologising. Does anyone really believe that Alfred the Great burnt the cakes? Or that Robert the Bruce spent the night in a cave playing with spiders? But, as improbable as those scenarios are, they are still taught as “fact”.

One thing we can be sure of though, the people that told these stories were real. There were ancient Athenians and Spartans. Xerxes and Leonidas did eat, drink and make merry. There were kings of Ithaca, heliots did labour in the fields below Mount Teygetos; Troy, Thrace, Lycia and Corinth were full of real people doing real things. Baking, painting, bathing, shagging, pickling walnuts, breeding horses and countless other activities were all happening to real people in real time. They probably didn’t all look like Gerard Butler or Kirk Douglas but just because Victorian antiquarians and Hollywood portray as much historical accuracy as a Winnie the Pooh book doesn’t mean we should dismiss everything from antiquity as fantasy and myth.

And it is because I don’t dismiss all of the stories from the Ancient world as fiction and wishful thinking that LSA and I chose to tour the historical sites of the Peloponnese. Luckily for us there is a travel group that specialises in tours like this. In fact, this is the second time we have enjoyed the services of these informed and enthusiastic guides*.

For this trip we were in the more than capable hands of the charming and informative Maria. Seven action packed days of coach trips and archaeology. Covering, in a matter of air-conditioned hours, distances that would have taken days for our ancient counterparts. Crisscrossing Greece to wander, wide-eyed and gobsmacked, through Sparta and Olympia, Mycenae and Athens.

To be honest, our flight was not the most comfortable or pleasant experience, landing at Athens airport at around 11pm followed by an hours ride to our hotel. Whereupon a coach load of (primarily) middle-aged English people descended upon the specially arranged meal like locust. Followed by about four hours of restless sleep before our first full day.

Early starts are the price we pay for these trips. Counterintuitive I know, for what is essentially our first holiday in two years but entirely worth it. And let’s face it, sleeping on a coach may be uncomfortable but it’s not impossible. One thing we hadn’t anticipated however was the unseasonable weather. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not naive enough to think that early spring is the same as high summer but our research suggested the average temperature would be between 16 and 19 degrees Celsius. Unfortunately the arctic weather that has plagued Britain for the past two weeks has effected Greece as well, bringing freezing temperatures and excessive snowfall. Not something to be faced wearing lightweight clothing and sun cream. Poor clothing choices notwithstanding, it’s everyone onto the coach and Mycenae here we come. Our Hero is as giddy as a schoolboy when we arrive at Mycenae, while LSA is much more sensible, choosing to forgo the driving snow and freezing wind to stay in the comfort of the coach. We’re here! Mycenae! Let me at it! Blimey it’s COLD!!!

Before we head up to the summit and the citadel we charge, or at least shuffle swiftly into the on site museum. Now this is impressive. Now I can finally see Agamemnon. I can see objects and decorations that were part of his world. The lived experiences of Bronze Age individuals were here to be interpreted from how they represented their world. The skills displayed by the artists and artisans are breathtaking and inspiring. Here, have a butchers…

While we have been overwhelmed by the beauty and expressions of human interaction and ingenuity the storm that has been silently been encroaching upon us has arrived. Nevertheless we wrap up as best as we can and push forward. I have seen it, I have touched it, I have walked in the footsteps of Agamemnon under the Lion Gate.

The Lion Gate at Mycenae.

I am soaked through, shivering and frozen solid but still apparently seven years old. I must also resign myself to only going as far as the Lion Gate, to venture further up the mountain to the citadel is to risk frostbite and death. Quick everyone retreat back to the coach. Over the sound of chattering teeth and creaking joints we are informed we are to journey to the first Capital of Independent Greece, Nafpoli. On the coast. Really?! The coast, in this weather?

Snow blasted Cyclopean walls.

A quick five minute trundle back down the mountain and it’s everyone off the coach to explore an adjacent beehive tomb. LSA covers this one as Our Hero is frozen to his seat.

Is this a coach trip or a mobile sauna? Oh no, my bad. It’s just the steam coming off 40odd people as we descend the mountain again. My knees sound like a galleon in a hurricane as I struggle to get off the coach but let us explore Nafpoli. My hands are a lovely shade of blue as we stand in the town square discussing our lunch plans. Food sounds good but first let us search for a scarf or two. Alternatively LSA finds herself a nice hooded shawl and I get another new coat. We find a lovely restaurant that seems to think a bowl of pasta should serve 4 or 5 people. It is also frequented by a very persistent cat that is determined to stick its nose everything it can see, including the Parmesan cheese!

Butter wouldn’t melt but Parmesan will.

Our day is not over. Next stop the Temple of Asclepius. Or rather, the theatre at a site dedicated to the god of healing. Theatres hold a unique position in Ancient Greek societies. More than just a venue to present the arts, they were political arenas and cultural expanders. They were also beautifully decorated.

Helios has returned to his rightful place, and more importantly, turned up the engine power on his chariot. Our Hero has begun to thaw out but exhaustion is setting in. I don’t think either of us remember the journey back to the hotel.

Why are we getting up at seven am while on holiday? Oh that’s right, because today it’s Olympia!

Before we go any further I would just like to clarify that Olympia is not the home of the modern Olympiad. The modern athletic contest that bankrupts entire nations and disrupts the chosen city for two weeks every four years may be named after the place but they didn’t start here. Indeed if we had more information about another of the ancient “games”, say the Thracian or the Athenian Games as we do about the 416 BCE (wrongly attributed to774 BCE in original post by writer [Well you were drunk when you wrote it.] {How dare you? I was a little blurred. It’s not like I could barely stand.} [Yeah, well go with that, nodnodwinkwink] Olympic Games, then we would be celebrating them every four years.

Anyway, back to the story. It could be argued that the supplanting of the Ancient Greek Empires by Rome and then Rome’s demise was both a blessing and a curse. Gone was the first proto-democracy in Athens, forever lost are thousands of plays, philosophical debates and medical texts, but thanks to Roman appropriation of Ancient Greeks sites the architecture and artistic achievements of great individuals are still with us. Scattered across the world they may be but not all is lost. Luckily for us not everything was stolen or destroyed in the 1600odd years since the fall of Rome either. I am not going to go into the debate about the systematic removal of art and cultural heritage by Northern European treasure hunters other than to say that what they did leave behind is more than equal, if not in some cases superior, to what was taken.

Olympia is beautiful! Sprawling and underfunded but a joy to behold. To stand in the starting blocks of ancient foot races, to gaze longingly at the temple of Zeus, to be able to discuss the question of whether or not women were allowed to attend the Ancient Games in the actual gymnasium of those games is making Our Hero fizz in weird and wonderful ways. Personally I think that expecting (reportedly) 40,000 men to spend a week or more surrounded by sweaty, oiled up athletes, with the wine and feta flowing, without a single woman is ridiculous. I would further argue that the very idea is a result of misunderstanding the Ancient Greek culture, mistranslations of texts and religious propaganda. But let us get back to the tour, at least I would if people would stop walking into shot!!

I don’t mind the non-humans photobombing 😂

Olympia in the sun.
Temples everywhere.
On your marks…..

Let us move on from the in situ archaeology into the attached museum. Quick, pass the brandy! Our Hero is having a crisis. This place is AMAZING!! Don’t believe me? Look at this lot then…

At this point I would just like to thank and apologise to our patient and long-suffering guide Maria. I’m sure herding cats on ice skates would be easier than trying to get this bunch of reprobates to all move in the same direction at the same time. Oh and I must give a shout out to Christos, our driver. I wouldn’t attempt some of these roads in a Mini never mind a luxury coach. Our return to the hotel is again accompanied by the Snore Chorus.

Sod ‘em! They can come down and get their own milk.

Day three and we all stumble, half asleep, onto the coach for the first of our optional excursions. Today we head for Sparta!!

[I’m not sure it needs the double exclamation marks.]

{Of course it does. This is SPARTA!!!}

[Technically it’s Sparti and you are not Gerard Butler]

{Don’t be such a spoilsport. This is my trip and I’ll channel my inner Leonidas on anyone that tries to ruin it.}

[Will that include CGI’d sixpacks?]

{How very dare you?!}

Actually Sparta is a bit misleading. Because there have been three of them. Ancient Sparta, Medieval Sparta/Mistras, and Modern Sparta/Sparti. With the collapse of the Ancient Greek city states original Sparta was abandoned. The inhabitants of the prehistoric superpower moved from the fertile plain below Mt Taygetos further up onto the mountain. It is to this Byzantine town that we head. You won’t be surprised to find that during this strictly hierarchical period the town was divided by “class”, with the nobility living on the top of the mountain surrounded by thick high walls and everyone else left to negotiate the steep, narrow roads/goat tracks on the side of the mountain. Nor will it surprise you that churches and private chapels dominate during this ultra-religious period and it is towards these we are guided.

Magic people or fairy tales… You decide.

Given the average age and prevalence of mobility aids among our group Maria now gives us a choice. Those of us that wish to can walk/climb up to the castle while the rest will go up by coach. Guess which Our Hero chose. Girding his loins and calling on the great god Pan, Our Hero sets off… LSA (and the majority of the others) make a beeline for the coach. Ten minutes later, sweating, stumbling, and wheezing like a busted bellows, Our Numpty is cursing his hubris. But did he make it, you ask yourselves. Of course he did and here’s the proof.

About half way…
Nearly there…
I huff huff made it wheeze

It is reported that the aristocracy of the time refused to walk up to the citadel, preferring instead to use the services of a sedan chair. In all honesty I can’t say I blame them. Pan himself would have trouble getting up here. As breathtaking as the view is, Our Hero has but ten minutes to make it back to the coach. So get those trembling lengths of knotted string you call legs into gear and try not to face plant on the way down.

Looks nothing like Gerard Butler!

All is not lost though. Thanks to King Otto of Greece Sparta came back down the mountain. Luckily for us though modern Sparti didn’t entirely destroy Ancient Sparta, though Maria did explain that someone had at some point in history had raided the Ancient site destroying everything he found, after making copies for his own records exclusively. If Our Hero had been paying better attention I would be able to name him but all I can tell you is he was a French aristocrat, it happened in the 18th century; and that when he did finally go public with his “research” no one believed his claims because he couldn’t provide his sources.

Some of ancient Sparta does still exist so of course, when we stop in town for lunch, Our Hero and LSA can’t get off the coach quick enough. In a beautiful display of town planning done right, on the edge of the public park within which the remains reside is a local school. In her usual manner LSA has been channeling her own inner Spartan but as we draw close to the Agora pain and fatigue make a renewed assault upon her and sacrificing her own desire for culture waits patiently while Our Selfish Nerk runs off camera in hand.

There is another theatre to visit but the needs of LSA always come first. Let us repair to a local eatery for now. Tomorrow is a big day.

Tomorrow is a rest day.

After a brief lay in, maybe the length of a couple of snooze button hits, we stroll down to breakfast. Waving to those that chose to visit some old church followed by an olive oil tasting, Our Hero and Lone Supporter Angel plan to spend their day of rest exploring the village in which their hotel is located.

Just 45 seconds from our hotel.

After a morning stroll along the promenade and harbour walls, Our Hero on constant alert to ensure LSA doesn’t pull of her little mermaid act and leap majestically into the crystal clear water, our pair of adventurers trawl the local shops sharing looks of bemused incomprehension with the locals. They wrapped in coats and scarves, us in shirt sleeves and summer dress. Yes it might be the tail end of winter for you but for us it’s practically a bright summer’s day. If this is spring, remind me not to come back in high summer. Just to make the day extra indulgent LSA treats herself to a visit to the hotel’s hair salon while Our Hero avails himself of the masseuse. Ahhhh Bliss. Tomorrow we travel to Delphi.

LSA post spa ❤️

Oh Glod! Another 8am start? Well if we must. Delphi here we come. I have wanted to visit this place since I was about 8 years old. A desire that has only increased with every new story read.

Speaking of stories, our informative and increasingly patient guide Maria, regales us with the myth of Oedipus as we travel through the town that sits on Ancient Thebes. We don’t stop. Time is ever nipping at our heels on this trip, the need to reach our destinations to give us sufficient time to explore them without it resulting to farce.

And now, after 3 hours on the coach, we are here. I’m sure it would have only been two and a half hours if we hadn’t had to go through the nearby village. Maybe I should explain. About 20 years ago the village decided to cash in on the increasing desire by some people to throw themselves down a mountain on nothing more than a plank or two of wood. Unfortunately, nobody considered the correlation between the skiing boom and the increase in traffic. Therefore the village didn’t think to widen the road. Actually that’s a bit misleading, they couldn’t widen the road because the village is on the side of a mountain and in order to widen said road they would have had to demolish the majority of the buildings on either side of what is essentially a cart track, so now coaches must travel through at about 3 miles per hour, being very careful not to take out pedestrians and shop fronts as they manoeuvre around bends, and cars must back up to let them through. I know I wasn’t the only one to question why the local authorities haven’t installed traffic lights at either end of the ONLY road to ensure the safety of all road users.

The sighs of relief as we exit the village could have powered one of the nearby wind turbines.

Delphi, like all of the previous sites we have visited has suffered over the centuries. Plundered first by the Bloody Romans, then forgotten by all as competing Invisible Sky Daddy Cults dictated Greek politics and culture, until eventually various Northern European aristocrats and antiquarians robbed out anything they deemed worthy of their drawing rooms and museums. I suppose we should be grateful that they didn’t steal everything, as the fragments they did leave behind are sufficient to fill a medium sized museum onsite, while the foundations of most of the ancient temples, the theatre, the gymnasium, and some treasure houses were either ignored or deemed worthless to the tomb raiders masquerading as historians. What was left therefore is just about enough to recreate about two thirds of the ancient sacred complex.

We should also be grateful to Gaia. If she hadn’t shrugged at the appropriate time and place we wouldn’t have this.

The Charioteer. A very rare Ancient Bronze.

We don’t know who this is. We know he was a champion charioteer and that he raced for Polyzalus but he is unfortunately just another “peasant” buried under the plaudits of a “great man”. The faceless masses are not entirely forgotten at Delphi however. Practically every wall is covered with inscriptions naming freed slaves from across the ancient world, a combination of legal contract, insurance policy, and pious devotion. Possibly the greatest collection of non aristocracy and military leaders preserved in stone until the memorials raised after the Great War. Don’t quote me on that.

Our visit to Delphi, like the other sites visited on this trip, is a bittersweet experience. No matter the knowledge and eloquence of Maria, regardless the vividness of our imagination, as informative and detailed the interpretation panels, I can practically guarantee that most of us are wishing, deep down, that we had access to a TARDIS. Though personally, I would be happy with a cabbage smelling, toilet exploding, nondescript Pod, as used by Max, Markham and all the other nutters from St Mary’s§.

For now though, with Helios almost out of site in the west, it is time to return to our hotel and prepare ourselves for our final adventure tomorrow. Athens and the Acropolis await.

We have reached the final day. Our Hero has had about three hours sleep. Whether because he’s missing his own bed or because he’s back to the five year old on Christmas Eve is unknown but regardless today we descend on Athens. But before we get to the good stuff a quick visit to a former monastery. The inside may have some skilfully made mosaics but to be honest they are not my thing. Nor, to be honest, do I approve of the central figure being such a grumpy image. For a person reported to be forgiving and loving this bloke looks like I’ve just left a dirty protest in his coffee. I escape for a nicotine stick at the earliest opportunity. Onwards to the big event. It appears that the gods have listened, access to the summit of the Acropolis has been vastly improved in recent years. The queues however are still horrendous. We have arrived not long after opening but it still takes nearly half an hour to enter. Was it worth it? What do you think?! I did find it difficult to get around with my jaw on the floor though. Equally I have to keep reminding myself that despite this being a sacred place of multiple temples in the Ancient world, and reused subsequently by many Cults to host their own houses of worship (not forgetting a Turkish armoury/munitions dump) it has never been a place of quiet reflection. It has always been noisy, busy and crowded. Today though selfie sticks have replaced sacrificial offerings, attendants with whistles patrol where priests formally held sway, and the languages heard are from further afield than Macedonia and Rome. I think I’ve actually hurt my neck trying to look at everything at once.

The footing may be treacherous, the Parthenon may still be covered in scaffolding, the Sacred Caves may be out of bounds but Our Hero is over the moon to be standing on the rock that Athena and Poseidon argued so vehemently about.

A late lunch followed by grabbing a few last minute mementos and our adventures in the Peloponnese are almost at an end.

Back to our hotel to pack, pay and prepare for tomorrow’s return to real life.

Greece I love you. Your drivers are crazy, your alphabet is incomprehensible, your food is delicious and your history is beyond compare. We will return. Next time we will go at our own pace, visit only the places we wish and we will avoid the ouzo!

Before you go here is a final look at a man I greatly admire defending himself with the image of probably one of the most maligned women in history and literature… Readers [If there are any left by this point], I give you Leonidas and the aegis of Medusa!

Apparently this is life size 😉

§For further information please read The Chronicles of St Mary’s collection by Jodi Taylor. You will not be disappointed.

*see our journeys through Anatolia here.

Who washed the socks?

Let me take you on a journey. Grab your coat, make it a warm one, don’t forget your boots, and you’ll probably need a thermos. Are we ready? Well grab the end of this ball of string and we’ll get going…

Cue flashing lights, flipping calendar pages, spinning clock hands, etc…

Ah here we are. Actually I can’t tell you exactly where we are, it’s classified. Nor can I give you a precise date. That’s not classified, it’s just that we don’t know the current local dating system. All I can tell you is that the agricultural revolution is happening around about now, somewhere over in… er… ah… er.. yes, er that direction.

Ooo look. Over there. Can you see them? They are our ancestors. Well, maybe not our direct ancestors but there is probably some of their DNA in us. That looks about fifteen, maybe twenty individuals. Looks like a couple of canines as well. Aren’t they marvellous? Look at them, moving purposefully through their environment, using a combination of their own senses coupled with learned knowledge to navigate and negotiate their traversal. Not exactly the shambling thug, dragging a club, barely aware of their surroundings, popularised by Victorian antiquarians are they?

Looks like they are going to settle here for a while. Shall we see if we can get closer? Be aware, they know we are here. Do not make the same mistake previous generations have. Don’t allow your cultural experiences and preconceptions dictate your observations. Just because they have never read a book doesn’t mean they aren’t intelligent. I can practically guarantee you that, beyond the initial culture shock, any one of those people would adapt quicker to our lives than we would to theirs.

They appear to have the fire lit, and that looks like food preparation to me. I can’t quite see, is that a grain or a pulse that is going into that pot? Actually, that’s a point, it’s being poured into a pot. I wonder where they got that. Did they exchange for it? Did they make it? Big debates about that at the moment. We have evidence that pottery was available to non-agricultural cultures.

Before we go any further, who are these people? And please don’t anyone say cavemen. Stone agers? Bit dismissive. Hunter/Gatherers? Nope, they’ve added to that, it’s Hunter, Gatherer, Fishers now. But I am going to argue against even that. I argue that this culture should be referred to as Environmental Exploiters.

For surely that is exactly what they are. Yes they obviously hunt, fish and gather but to describe their culture simply in those terms is actually rather reductive. It suggests that they exist simply to obtain food.

But look at that one. He? Yeah he has more than one bead necklace, and those are eagle feathers adorning his hair. And the skin paint? How about the nets some of them are carrying, and the garments? Indeed everything that isn’t something they were born with; be it a stone tool, a sleeping fur, that leather windbreak, even the shells that they all seem to be wearing. Yes, the majority of their equipment appears to be related to the collection of nutrition either directly or indirectly, but not all of it. Some of their possessions are for entirely aesthetic purposes.

So that means they have exploited the environment for purposes beyond those that the sobriquet Hunter, Gatherer, Fisher suggests. Even something as mundane as that little pot with the honey in tells us that it’s not just about food. Why decorate it if it’s purely functional? How does the collection of lines and dots on a small clay pot enhance the collection of food?

All of the artistic embellishments, be they portable or site specific, all of the shared knowledge, the body modification, even something seemingly mundane as the choice of what pelt to wear screams to us that these people are more than just stumbling through the landscape, barely surviving, never more than a meal or two away from failure.

They have time to string shells onto sinew, time to work flint, time to tell stories, time to develop and improve basket weaving techniques. How long do you think it took someone to work out the processes needed to create cave art? The pigment gathering and producing, the observation of the animals, the painting itself. Yes, the resultant images will be helpful in future food acquisition but they are so much more than that, and they represent by their very existence that we were more than just Hunter, Fisher, Gatherers.

Ahhh, it looks like they are beginning to pack up and leave. Yeah, you can see a couple of the scouts are signalling from that ridge up there. Probably time we headed off as well. You didn’t lose the string did you? Good, give it a tug and let’s goooooooo….

It’s all window dressing.

In the long ago. In lands far away, whose names are lost to us, several groups of people changed the habits of a life-time. Overthrowing centuries of tradition and cultural norms, these semi-nomadic extended family groups stopped moving. Instead of following the narratives of their ancestors, moving about the landscape, relying upon captured, killed or foraged food they made the choice to settle in one location.

As a result of this action human society changed forever.

As a fairly small group of environment exploiting humans, the semi-nomadic society most probably relied upon a societal framework more akin to our great ape cousins. Even though we had already developed languages, art, textiles, pottery, weaponry, and many other tools, techniques and attitudes that separated us from our fellow mammals, our need to ensure the survival of the genetic lines meant that the cultural system of a small core of powerful adults guiding the fortunes of the whole group seems the most likely scenario.

The Agricultural Revolution changed all that. *

In the 15000 years or so since, many diverse attempts have been made to continue that genetic need in a number of different ways. We have tried monarchies and dictatorships, empires and oligarchies, communism and democracy. Large overpowering governments, small ineffective principalities. Proto-democracies and pseudo-democracies. Appointed by deities or chosen by vote. Theocracies and Martial Law. As well as various combinations of each, and many others. All claiming to be the definitive and therefore only legitimate system to ensure the continuation of that biological imperative.

Of course, each of these systems has a major flaw. Actual humans themselves. I don’t know if you have noticed but as a species we have some issues with cooperation, responsibility and recognition. These failures of character notwithstanding the great “Governance” problem continues. And it is a problem.

Throughout our history, as our physical dominance of the planet has expanded beyond the imaginings of our forebears, the various methods employed across cultures, territories and linguistic groups have – as our societies have grown through tribe/clan, polis, city, state, nation, superstate et al – all faced the question: What is government for?

Difficult one isn’t it?

It certainly seems to be considering all the failed attempts.

And here dear reader, after all that turgid intro, is my opinion. What do you mean, you don’t care? Why are you reading this rubbish then? I know why I’m writing it but nobody forced you to waste your time. Go on, go do something else. Honestly, I won’t mind. You know you will feel better going and doing anything other than forcing your eyes to stay open all the way to the end of this pointlessness.

So anyway, my opinion. What is government for?

Well to follow that basic genetic imperative obviously. To ensure the continuation of the genetic lines entrusted into your care. No more, no less. Simple isn’t it?

Well…. Yes and No. Obviously.

But let us explore the argument. What does it mean “to ensure the continuation” and what does that entail? At the very basic level, for a species to continue its genetic line, it needs to be safe and healthy.

That’s it. Everything else is window dressing.

Thank you and Go[HOLD ON!]


[You can’t do that. You can’t just force us to read through all that for that. “That’s it. everything else is window dressing.” What kind of conclusion is that?]

{Well…Erm… You see…}

[You’re hippied is what you are trying to say. Well I’m not standing for it this time. As your Internal Editor I suggest you get those fuzzy little brain cells working and finish this thing properly.]

{But[But me no buts you old hound, say what you set out to say and don’t dodge.}…}

{Alright, alright. Let me just gather my thoughts into something more concrete than the beautiful but distracting dino clouds currently beckoning for my attention.}

[Go on then, you’ll be no use until you can string more than three words together.]

Days pass. Or maybe a few hours. Who knows?

Anyway. Health and safety to continue the genetic lines. That is literally all a government, in any form, needs to do. Alright, maybe we need to break it down a bit.

Let’s start with safety. There are two aspects to this. Safety from outside threats and safety for members within the protected genetic lines. So government needs a way to protect the genetic lines in its care from outside violent attention. Well that’s easy. Either a standing military force, or a way of ensuring the populous can defend themselves. As a concept, I have no problem with this. I know others will disagree, indeed if your argument is convincing enough you may even change my mind. For now, I will continue to believe that defence of self and others is a legitimate reason for violence if the situation warrants it. So to protect the genetic lines the government must be responsible for defence of those lines.

Internal peacekeeping. Oh what a complex organism we are. How inquisitive. How selfish. How violent. How creative. Storytellers and butchers. Builders and liars. Inspirational and venal. Caring and indifferent. Many great works have been produced over the last few thousand years and not one, in my pointless opinion, has ever come close to explaining or defining what being “human’ is. That of course is what makes the problem of internal peacekeeping more complex.

Essentially what internal peacekeeping entails is a system to identify and censure those that have put genetic lines at risk. Obviously, as our cultures have developed, the systems and codes by which we live by have become almost as complex as the people engaged in those systems. So we have to be able to apply those two principles, to identify and censure, across a wide variety of circumstances. To fully meet the obligation of protection of genetic lines in its care any government must ensure that these identify and censure measure are applied equally. Meaning, the bloke who punches another outside a pub receives the same level of protection and justice as the company that pours sewage into a river, potentially ending numerous genetic lines. For thousands of years, these two principles have been enacted by various forms of government with two agencies. The first, identify, by bodies set up to “police” the genetic lines. The second, censure, by a variety of courts, and censure programs – be they incarceration, rehabilitation, ending a life, token restitution or other “punishments”.

So, essentially, what any form of government is for, in terms of safety for the genetic lines in its care, is to provide protection from those with aggressiveness towards those genetic lines. From outside by providing a security force or security systems. Inside, a body that maintains peace and one that can apply collective censure upon those that breach that “peace”.

Moving onto health.Well this one is so easy, I could almost do it with bullet points. I won’t obviously but I will invoke our ancestors just to add a bit of colour.

When the head group of our environment exploiting extended family were traversing the landscape, what were they looking for? Let’s make a little list… ^now you sound like teacher^


^teacher used to make u do lists. lists of kings and lists of animals. lists of liked things and lists if not like things^

^lists are boring^

{They are not boring. They are useful.}

^BORING. teacher teacher teacher^

{Ed, can you came in and get five year old me and take him down to Long Time Memory and Reminiscing so he can watch some old Doctor Whos. Thanks}

Moving on. Top of the “list” is obviously shelter. Somewhere out of the elements, preferably dry. The ability to warm enclosed spaces is one of, if not our greatest achievements.

Fresh water. No two ways about it folks, access to clean water is the right of every species that requires it to maintain its genetic line. All mammals certainly do so we can’t argue that.

Food. Yes I know that there are people and governments around the world that don’t think this is a basic right for all species but they are wrong. Our ancestor group authorities would not have been helping to protect the genetic lines in their care by denying food on general principles.

And that’s it. With these three things readily available and accessible culture and society flourish.

Now let us wind time onward to the cultures that developed post agricultural revolution. One aspect of our need to protect the genetic lines that followed us from some of our earliest ancestors is the need for healthcare. A healthy body is more likely to continue the genetic line or rather, an individual of a genetic line is more able to take that line forward if it is protected harm and/or another intervenes to prevent further deterioration of the individual through injury or disease.

Our trepanning ancestors knew it. The people’s of the Bronze Age knew it. The indigenous peoples across the world knew it. It is understood in the very core of our being. Access to healthcare is a basic human right.**

So where does that leave us? What is the government for?

Protect the genetic lines in its care from threats external and internal and provide safe, secure shelter with easy access to food, clean water and healthcare. As we are primarily sedentary creatures now, defined by our nationality rather than wandering around the planet searching for the next small area to exploit, this means building dwellings connected to a clean, fresh supply of water. Access to food and healthcare are obviously to be accessed outside the dwellings (unless you have a window box or a full surgical suite in the basement).

I would add that another fundamental aspect of humanity that has been with us always is the need to pass on information. Or to put it another way, education and information sharing. Another basic human (cephalopod and corvid) right that must be protected.

So in conclusion…. ^finally^ Governments responsibilities are: To provide protection. To provide dwellings that will ensure the safety*** of the people in their care. To provide access to clean, fresh water, food, education, knowledge and information dissemination, and healthcare.****

Everything else is window dressing.

*search your spam folder at some future date to read my thoughts on whether agriculture or surplus came first. If you really want to of course, I personally wouldn’t read any of this drivel.

** I would say that it is a basic living right but cats don’t go to medical school. I’m not saying non humans do not have the right to healthcare, only that healthcare is only something that can come from humans.

***This includes the right to not freeze to death. With most modern cities adoption of electricity (and in some cases, gas) to provide light and heat for the majority of people, these amenities must be included into the definition of safe and secure with respect to dwellings.

****I know at least one person is going to say, “But all that costs money!” To which I will reply, “Yes I know, but that is a discussion about money, taxation and the very concept of money that I don’t wish to discuss in this article. So I’m not going to.

Roamin’ around Rome… The long avoided threequal.

I want to apologise for the delay of this posting… In my defence I have been distracted. I blame the gaming companies. Every year, around my spawning day, various software companies release products that may almost be specifically targeted towards me. Egotistical me?

Admittedly, I am easily distracted away from anything that could be interpreted as ‘work’. Of course, all that prevarication has meant that my memories have been diluted, edited and restructured. Unfortunately this means that this will be a slightly more condensed version of OurHero and LSA’s further adventures in Rome.

But where did we get to? Oh yeah. Here…

LSA in her rightful place. At the Temple of Venus.

Having done enough of the Fora and colosseum as they can in one day Our Adventurers attempt the following day to go to the highly recommended Crypto Balbi. Unfortunately it is entirely pre-booked tickets only. Frustratingly, the only available slots are after we leave. Add it to the list of things to do next time we come.

It’s not often our adventurers plan revisits but Rome has got under our skin. Not least because our temporary “hood” looks like this of an evening…

Yes we did try nearly all of those restaurants. Who knew Tiramisu came in so many varieties.

Having failed to storm the Crypto Balbi we wander off in search of the Trevi Fountain and the Pantheon.

We found them. Eventually. Half of our adventurers conversations during this trip have been along the lines of: Are we sure this is the right way? It really doesn’t help that a lot of the back streets of the older parts of Rome look pretty much like every other back street. I may have mentioned before that you cannot rely on the mother and baby paintings that are everywhere for guidance. That way lies madness, or religion. Neither of which appeal.

You may note that I haven’t shown the Trevi fountain. Here follow just a few reasons why it was not my favourite part of the trip.

1. It was far too crowded to get any good shots.

2. It was the only place I felt unsafe. Both for myself, LSA and our property.

3. It’s not my period.

4. It’s just a fountain. Yes, I know it’s superbly carved marble but Rome is full of superbly crafted marble.

5. It’s a tourist trap.

Now before you go on about how you could say that about practically everywhere we go but come on. By visiting the Colosseum I am doing more than just looking at a building, I am enhancing my understanding of an ancient culture. At the Pantheon I can study the appropriation of the material culture of Ancient Rome by the cult of Jesu. By exploring the Stadio di Domitiano I can further appreciate how much Rome has developed over the following 2000 years since it was conceived and patronised. At the Trevi I’m just looking at water gushing out of some prettified rocks.

Behind and below the fountain is entirely different kettle of fish. Here Our Hero is back in his element. Somewhere old, cold, and smelling of centuries past. Actually it wasn’t that cold but allow me some poetic licence. The Vicus Caprarius – ancient Roman cisterns “under” the Trevi Fountain, still supplying the water for the neighbourhood.

With it’s beautiful blue mood lighting, it’s tiny (but in no way disappointing or lacking) display of artefacts recovered from the cisterns depths and surrounds, and its limited visitor numbers the Vicus has forever settled itself into one of our Hero’s favourite places to visit.

Don’t believe me? Have a look…

A piece of advice here. As many a weary traveller will know, many hotels/motels/B&B’s have, somewhere around the check-in desk, an A3(ish) sized map showing you all of the local attractions, public services and a border of local business adverts. If you ever get the one from Rome, don’t trust it. It lies!

Not that it mattered, our adventurers were more than capable at getting lost with or without the terrible map. Indeed our meanderthal approach to exploration did lead us to almost literally stumble upon the Circus Maximus.

Now I’m not that bad of an historian to not know that the circus was in Rome but I did know from previous research that it is now only identifiable by its shape and archeology. Insufficient of the superstructure is left to give a true sense of the place. On a more personal level, Our Hero and LSA have previously visited the RomanoTurkish site of Aphrodisias. Within that remarkable polis is the circus. A stunning and awe inspiring edifice of marble, and considerably more complete than the Maximus. Therefore the circus was not on our adventurers list of Must Sees.

And again Rome surprises us. Obviously, when you consider how little is actually visible of the Circus Maximus, it would have – in the past – been considerably overwhelmed by practically every other heritage site around it. No longer. For we are now in the 21st century and we have the technology to (virtually) rebuild it. For the incredibly reasonable cost of €14 each (and surrendering of DL for surety) Our Hero and LSA are issued a superhero mask, some earphones and iPhone powered VR headset apiece and sent forth to discover for ourselves the history, glory and spectacle that was the Circus Maximus. Mind Blown!

Bring back chariot racing I say.

Of course, not all of our romp around Rome was flitting from one ancient site to another. We did spend time looking in shops, finding and enjoying nice restaurants, drinking obscene amounts of coffee, and chatting to random people. We spent too much. We walked everywhere! We were hassled by street vendors and had jazz played at us. We laughed, stumbled, marvelled, cursed, canoodled, and thoroughly enjoyed our visit to one of the world’s most beautiful cities.

And now… On to Ostia! Oh didn’t I mention that? Yeah well we did go on to Ostia and even managed to visit, after an extended and exhausting foray into wild Italian farmland, the Archaeological Park of the old Roman Port and town of Ostia. W

What a site! We have to go back! We were in there for hours and barely scratched the surface. It took our adventurers – many moons ago now – two full days to explore Pompeii. Ostia is bigger. Ostia is huge. Ostia is beautiful!

Unfortunately our time in Ostia is short. As the autumn sun sets behind us we routemarch back to our B&B and our final night in Italy. And finally Our Intrepid Adventurers dine upon a real Italian Pizza. Not bad actually.

You don’t need to know about our run in with Italian border control, nor the uneventful flight home. Not even the taxi ride back from the airport that took longer than the flight. I will say that our four legged flat mate was extremely pleased to see us home (and back in my rightful place as “most preferred sleeping spot”) and that the first cuppa after getting home is always the best!

Though I am going to miss the Large Birra.

Duo Cafelatte and a Permanent Grin

Finally, Our hardy adventurers are standing by a structure I spent a long time studying and historically deconstructing during my degree and it is making all my fizzy zones go into overdrive simultaneously. To be able to discern through personal observation the varying qualities of workmanship and stylistic methods visible rather than relying on a guided breakdown of two dimensional photographs is making Our Hero quite giddy. To share that knowledge with the ever patient, indulgent, and long-suffering LSA is worth all of the wrong turns, dodged vehicles, and over-heated heads.

In case you are wondering what I’m taking about, here’s a clue:

Yes! It’s the up-cycled Arch of Constantine.

What did you think, that our adventurers were going to just stumble off home after walking the entire perimeter of the Theatro de Flavian (do you know I think I’ve spelled at least two out of the last three words incorrectly, but I’m too ston hippied tired to care)? Not bloody likely.

Now can someone please point us in the direction of our hotel.

And can people please just not stop dead in front of me, only to then swing around and almost decapitate me with a bloody selfie-‘king stick?! Oh and if you are going to watch a foot-the-ball match, or an episode of Friends, please don’t do it whilst walking streets crowded with children, e-scooters, nuns, interchangeable and amorphous tour groups, and foot-weary quintagenarian grouches who are going through the first 48 hours of tea withdrawal.

[That was a bit tame for one of your rants.]

{It wasn’t a rant. It was a polite request.}

[Oh was it? Only your “Polite Requests” do sometimes resemble a rant. Not that I’m complaining, they can be quite amusing.]

“Did we come this way?”

“I think so. Maybe not. Hold on, do you recognise that?”

“It’s a picture of a woman holding a baby wearing a gold tiara. I’ve seen loads of them. Do you think they may be significant?”

“But, do you recognise that particular one? Do you think it’s the one that’s on the corner of that building near our hotel?”

“Let me have a closer look. No, this one is of a blond-eyed, blue-haired baby, wrapped in a posh bedspread, being held by a young woman with an expression suggesting she’s thinking ‘How did a good middle-eastern, Jewish girl get into this?’ The tiara is similar though.

The one near our hotel had more of a ‘That is Not the nappy of a deity!’ look about the woman’s face.

And that one over there has a baby that looks like a character from Z-Nation, while half the woman’s face has bleached away. Tell you what though, tiaras on kids must have been very popular when this was painted.

Oh look, that shop sells hats.”

New – weather appropriate – hat purchased, bearings re-established, and our happy history buffs return to their hotel; intending to rest, shower, and begin the first of the daily blogs Our Hero has promised himself he will write.

Warning! Incoming Siesta!

Warning! Incoming siesta

Warning incomingsieszzzzzzzzzz

Awareness returns sometime after sundown. After a short discussion considering the pros and cons of returning to slumber to those of seeking sustenance, our heroes once again venture forth into the narrow, cobbled lanes of Rome, their bellies to fill and their first impressions to be discussed. No Parmesan.

The Next Day.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; what’s with all the cake and chocolate based pastries for breakfast? If it doesn’t involve bacon, it’s not breakfast. fact!

Hold on! That’s not from the Colosseum!

You are right dear reader, it is not. It is a frieze showing the Rape of the Sabine Women, on display in the Forum(s).

@Erm. Excuse me… Are you going to continue onto your “interesting” diversion into why you have been using an ellipsed S whenever you mention the Fora? OR are you going to backtrack into your observations and impressions of the Colosseum? Only the files are starting to block the corridors down here and I’m dying for a cuppa.@

{And who the hell are you?}

@Oh I’m from “Long Term Storage and Reminiscing”. Only, some of these files are getting scattered everywhere. And a lot of them are hideously confused. Do you have any idea what it takes to calm down a confused and upset memory? I Mean, if you would@

{Do you mind? You really are not helping. Keep interrupting like this and I’ll lose my train of thought.}

[OK, I think I can sort this out. Why don’t you head on back to your department and find yourself a nice cup of tea. May I suggest you start in the ‘First one after getting home having had a long and/or horrendous journey’ shelves, they have some real doozies in there.

And you. You can tell us about both the Colosseum and that aberrant s thing in your own time. I’ll jut get a mop. Some of these memories are leaving an awful mess in here. Oh I do hope that is spilled tiramisu.]

I know I’ve already spoilered this part on social media but I love it so here it is again. While LSA and Our Hero were exploring the Colosseum and its environs, Our Hero overheard a U.S. American woman ask; Is this the Parthenon? The meme of a despairing Captain Picard came swiftly to mind.

The Colosseum. What can I say that isn’t cliché? Who hasn’t waxed lyrical about this beautiful, mesmerising, colossal edifice before with more eloquence and wit than this poor language butcher?

Here, have a couple or three more pics while I get my words in order…

A small hiccup. The tickets we have pre purchased are not the “full access” we believed they were. Therefore we cannot venture down into the bowels of the arena. A situation that can be rectified by venturing to the ticket booth and upgrading for a mere €4. However, as the queues are already stretching, and our day is perforce really rather full already, LSA and Our Hero decide to forgo the dubious pleasure of joining and rejoining the aforementioned queues, and vow to do the full experience next time they come. Be it tomorrow or in a few years.

Sometimes sacrifices must be made. Nor does Our Hero feel short-changed by only visiting the Roman publicly accessible areas. The construction and history of this remarkable temple to suffering is breathtaking. I am sooooo glad they never built the proposed church within the amphitheatre as it would have, in a way I cannot fully articulate, been more than a blemish. It would have been a sacrilege.

Viewing all of the scaffolding that currently adorns the edifice it would be nice to think that future ”full access” passes will include access to the cheap seats. Not that LSA would venture up those steps. For now though, we have been surrounded by tour groups, running children and selfie seekers for just over two hours. We have read every panel, viewed every carving, marvelled at the glorious fornicating and resisted the temptation to throw at least three people over the safety rails. I’m such a good boy. But is that my old friends Nick O’Teen and Cath Feen calling? I do believe it is. Get that #@#king selfie stick out of my face!!! Onward to the Fora.

Now what were people saying about the S in Forum? Get ready folks, it’s another history hit. As I’m sure you all know the Forum was the ancient and traditional meeting place, political arena, market square, administrative centre, temple precinct, rallying point, gossip mill and (probably) cruise for a very long time. It is also built on the swampy valley floor between the Seven Hills of Rome.

Now no metropolitan area is ever static and even before the invention of the community destruction departments of the 20th century (or Town Planning as they prefer to be known) people have been redesigning and “improving” city centres. Late Republic and Imperial Rome had a succession of incredibly wealthy and powerful men who each had their own reasons for overhauling the Fora. Whether that be religious piety, improving traffic, self aggrandisement, or rebuilding after catastrophe the results were the same. The Fora were in a – pretty much constant – state of flux, resulting in reorientation, expansion, contraction and all round messing about. Today we see the results of those long dead architects. It is confusing, cluttered, overcrowded and glorious. Our Hero is almost having a crisis with every corner turned, every new aspect revealed.

I mean, look at this…

Look at the quality of the work on this bas-relief. The beards, the chains, the flowing cloth. And this is after 2000 years (ish)!

By now though, our intrepid adventurers have spent nearly three hours at the Colosseum, and at least four within the Fora exploration areas. They are getting tired. They are in need of coffee and pasta. Time to return to the hotel for a quick wash and brush up before venturing forth to find food.

Ah, lovely wide hotel bed, how we have missed you… But hold on, what’s this? Oh no… It’s another Siesta….

We will return again soon with the further adventures of “Two go a little crazy in Rome” soon…. For now we are going to leave them to their slumber… Stay tuned folks there is more to come.

SPQAre we going the right way?

Here we go… Our long awaited trip to Rome is finally happening.

Before we go any further I would just like to thank Mental and DeFrock for providing the funds that made this trip possible. Thanks to them we are able to have a little more legroom on the flights and priority boarding. Not to mention a better quality in-fight meal.

Anyway, on with the show…

I had originally planned to write a daily update type blog but we all know what happens to plans made by fools…

And so you are left with this… You have been warned…

It is All Hallows’ Eve ‘22. Our Hero and Lone Support Angel (hereafter; LSA) have enjoyed a trouble free journey from Londinium to the home of it’s founders. Having heard tales (and seen footage) of Roman driving practices Our Hero is a little apprehensive about the journey to the hotel but is pleasantly surprised that progress is made without excessive horn use or numerous near-misses involving tiny cars, reckless Vespa riders and/or apparently suicidal pedestrians.

Our hotel is welcoming and bijou. The concierge is charming and very helpful. His most welcome advise (at the time – we may come to regret heeding it) is that we will not need to get taxis as we are less than 30 mins from all the standard tourist attractions. Or as he so eloquently put it, “Keep your wallet in your pocket.” His direction giving skills need some work though. Indicating the routes towards the Colosseum and the Vatican by waving your arms in vaguely opposite directions proved slightly less than optimal for a pair of directionally challenged quinterians. A map would be useful. “Ah thank you, this one will come in very handy.” Oh how naïve we are.

Bags dumped, ablutions complete, loins girded; LSA and Our Hero stride forth into the balmy Roman evening in an attempt to get their bearings and food. You would think we would know better by now wouldn’t you? Food is easy to come by. Sense of direction, not so much.

A quick word of advice. Do not attempt to navigate Rome using an image of a woman and baby for reference. Not unless you are very good at telling the approximately 7million* versions apart.

Having successfully sated their hunger, Our Heroic Adventurers return to their hotel. Tomorrow awaits.

Day Two: Let’s Just Get Our Bearings.

“Did he say the colosseum is this way?”

“Er, yeah I think so.”

“Then lets go.”

The colosseum was not that way. Nor was it “This way.” “How about this way?” Or even “Let’s try Down Here.” We found The Tiber though.

And this: Castel Sant’Angelo.

New plan. Let’s grab a coffee and check out this “Here are all the great places in Rome” app (or something like that) we got. One Cafelatte and a lot of cursing at useless app builders later, and we are back on track. Setting off in the opposite direction we soon spot the big white building in the following photograph…

I’m sure somebody will know it is but for the life of me I cannot remember…

Anyway, whatever it is, it’s not really what we are here to see. Way too modern for our tastes. We want Ancient Rome not the imitators. But look! What’s that over there? Oh my Glod! that’s Trajan’s Column [fnar!]. Check this out…

No wonder he was so proud…

Our Hero and LSA have been wandering around for about two hours. Numerous exclamations of surprise and delight have issued forth from them both. Some complaints have also been heard. The current major issue is with the incompatibility of LSA’s footwear and the amount of gravel that seems to be the Roman equivalent of English Heritage’s mown grass around historical sites. Next stop, somewhere to get plasters.

Now we are on the right track we begin to take more notice of our fellow tourists than previously. We also note that there is far less traffic than we expected. Luckily LSA has done a bit more research on Rome beyond 212 CE and now informs Our Hero that Nov 1st is a public holiday in Italy. So that explains that.

Have you seen that Ancient Roman Forum(s)? They truly are spectacular. From all angles. But we are saving ourselves. We will not be venturing into them today. Today is for orientation rather than immersion. Having said that, we do spend a long time gawking at the forum(s) as we pass them on our way.

Whether by luck or judgement (bad in both cases) Our Hero and LSA again find ourselves trying to explore ancient sites while the future intrudes. A few years ago, when we visited Pompeii, half of Milan was closed or on diversion because of upgrades to the central bus station. This time we encounter the huge hoardings, closures, and diversions associated with the extension and expansion of the Roman Metro system. Fortuna be praised/cursed**

For those of you that don’t know Rome, if you wish to see the Arch of Constantine and you are coming from the Forum(s), you must go past the Colosseum. Which means, of course, that here is where I should start showing you pictures of it

[Why don’t you then?]

{Because I’m trying to create a narrative here. I’m not just showing you all a bunch of holiday snaps. The Seventies was a long time ago. We don’t make our friends look at slides projected onto a sheet hastily hung on the wall, while we make little in-jokes about that weird couple we met, and our guests slowly crumple into themselves in embarrassment and discomfort.

Let me do this my way.}

[Well get on with it. Archives is already getting upset because they can’t get some of these memories into “Long-term and Reminiscing” until you’ve finished playing with them.]

{If you would let me get on, this would be done a lot quicker.}

[Not really. You’ve got to charge your keyboard and pad soon.]

{Oh For Fu………

End Transmission

Resume Transmission

and she said “But it didn’t do that last time” Hold on, we’re back. Pass me the ‘Souvenir’ file and can someone please get this FU[REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] out of here. Thank you. So, where were we?}

So no, I’m not going to bombard you with endless pictures of the Colosseum. Indeed I’m loathe to make this entire blog an endless procession of boring tourist shots. If I were going to do that I would use a photo sharing site. What I’m currently doing is cursing myself for not at least taking notes during the trip. Remember how I said at the beginning that I had intended to write a daily blog while actually in Rome and that I should know better. Well one of the reasons I wanted to do that is to avoid moments like this. Moments when things are getting shuttled back and forth between short and long-term memory storage and things are getting lost or rewritten in the process.

Another reason is because in writing a condensed version of events, you loose the spontaneity of the experience. Admittedly a lot of those daily blogs would have read pretty much the same way… We did a hell of a lot of walking, we saw all these wonderful things (insert numerous pictures here) and now we Hurt!! But they would have been spontaneous exclamations of our pain and fatigue. Luckily your in- boxes have been spared those monotonous posts and it’s thanks to The Siesta! Yes, we have reached that point in our lives when an afternoon nap is acceptable. Especially when you have spent the majority of the day wandering around a city unknown to you, filling your eyes and soul with history.

Oh and wearing the wrong hat.

[Oh no! He’s hit a tangent! Quick, don’t let him go down…. Too late]

Some weeks ago I was unable to resist the temptation to buy a new autumn/winter coat. It is a rather stylish coat that unfortunately does not match well with my usual everyday hat. Therefore I was enjoined to purchase a new, more suitable hat. These I wore to Rome. Stylish as my new hat is, it is also made of felted wool. In other words, it’s too bloody hot for a globally warmed Rome at the end of summer. Another new, cooler, hat is now required. But first, lunch. We chose here…

Where I confirmed that I really, really do not like Parmesan cheese!

Oh alright here’s a pic of Our Hero outside the Colosseum…

Note the hat.

And now Our Hero and LSA must return to the hotel for they are hot, hungry and tired. Not to mention the blistered and bleeding feet that is the result of sharp, tiny gravel invading open sandals.

*Writers own estimate.

**Delete as you feel.

1966 and all that…

Today’s date is Mon 12th of July 2021. Last night 22 men kicked a ball about for a couple of hours. 11 of them were wearing blue, the others were wearing white. Both groups of men were, if the criteria for inclusion is similar to that used in the superior game of rugby union, the very best in their field. A position 99.97% (approx) of those watching could never hope to attain. From what I can understand of the event, it was the closest one of the groups of men had got to winning a game at this level for many years. Apparently they didn’t win. Both prior to and in the aftermath of the event I have remained indifferent both to the contest and the outcome. If you still haven’t worked it out yet, I am talking about the (postponed) Euro’s 2020 foot-the-ball tournament.

Now I am sure you are both wondering why I am writing about the game of spheroid wrangling, when I have been outspoken about it’s cultural dominance and inequalities on many occasions. Truth to tell I am asking myself the same question. But I think it has something to do with the idea that foot-the-ball is not about the game, it’s much more important than that.

You see, for me, foot-the-ball has never been about the game.

I think I’m going to need to put this in context.

[That may help. Ed]

There was no foot-the-ball in my house growing up, indeed I distinctly remember being told (at about 5 or 6) that if I wished to watch a game I should go to a friends house. It’s not that it was a taboo subject or anything, I just think my parents felt they had more important things to do. But of course, a kickable spheroid was never too far away. Get a bunch of youngsters together and lo there will be a ball. I did, in my early years, get involved with what is known as a “kick about” (there may even have been coats for goalposts), but I was never really serious about it.

I have however attempted, very infrequently, over the years to watch a game or two. I would like to make it clear that these occasions were not through choice but circumstance. Being stuck in the middle of nowhere until a match is finished because your designated driver MUST watch the game. Trying not to be rude with your new girl-friends family. Doing your best to enjoy a quiet pint and realising that you’ve picked the wrong pub. That sort of thing.

However infrequent these tortures have been over the years, one aspect has remained a constant. Racism. Every match that I have endured over my nearly five decades has involved racism on one level or another. Whether it was club or international, racism was the central theme. I’m not even going to mention the sexism and misogyny. I read today of players of last night’s match; people who were, just 24 hours ago (at the of writing) were being hailed as national heroes, were being bombarded with yet more racism and hate. Some of it from POLITICIANS!!! All of it wrapped up in the national flag. All of it because somebody who has worked bloody hard to be where they are were out-performed by someone that has worked equally hard for their position. Where does race need to come into that? But it always does.

I am extremely lucky to have grown up in a city universally recognised as one of the most diverse on the planet. I have, over my many, many years witnessed both the positives and negatives of the cultural interactions, collaborations, conflicts and challenges faced by the culturally diverse entity that is a living city. Every where I turn there is a variation of melanin, a language spoken by a culture smaller than my city or a musical style enjoyed by more than half the planet. It truly is an enriching and enhancing time and place to be. But, in my experience, when it comes to foot-the-ball, all that goes away.

I hear the word “football” and in my head it translates into “Racist”. Now before I get accused of misrepresentation or of tarring everyone with the same brush, I want to make it clear that I am not accusing anyone. I don’t personally know anyone who has displayed racist behaviour or language with regards foot-the-ball. There are two reasons for this; one, I try not to associate with racists, and two, people know I don’t like foot-the-ball so we never talk about it.

Let me give you an example. The only times I have ever been truly terrified has been when I have been trapped with a group of football fans. Now I have been in scary situations many times, some through choice (like jumping out of a plane at 18,500 ft), others through accident or misadventure. I have been attacked by random strangers and had drunken fights. I have drunk in places and with people that should be avoided but any sane member of society. I have been caught up in a riot and experienced gunfire. I’ve even married!

But not one of those things, not even saying my wedding vows in front of all my dearest humans, filled me with the gut-wrenching, sphincter-tightening terror of being among football fans. Now I feel I should point out at this point that I am white. I don’t know why I didn’t mention that before, I like to think it’s because I know that only one or two people, other than me, will read this but I suspect it has more to do with the blinkers of privilege (a subject I may come back to at some point).

Foot-the-ball is, at it’s core, tribal. I know people would like to think otherwise. They talk of the beautiful game. They talk of the skills on display, the talent, the money, everything, anything other than the tribalism of the thing. If 2020 has shown us anything about sport, not just foot-the-ball, it’s that it needs the tribe to survive. I’m not claiming some new insight here, this is a well studied phenomena. When you put on that shirt, carry that flag, chant along, you are part of the tribe. And that’s where the racism comes in.

I said earlier how blessed I feel to have lived and grown in the random place of my birth. And if anything of myself exists beyond my physical self ending, I will be (mostly) glad that I have lived through the close of the 20th Century and the flowering of the 21st CE. As an historian, I have more than a passing interest and knowledge of the cultural development of human societies and cultures since the beginning of recorded history. Intellectually I can understand how and why racism exists. I have no reason to question critical race theory, or for those hard of understanding, the honest and unbiased acknowledgment of the historical precedents and attitudes that inform and control our lives today as a result of free-market colonial capitalism (with, in many cases, religious zealotry and bigotry) and it’s effects on cultures and communities on a global scale.

So in foot-the-ball we have the tribalism of the collected fans, whose entire mindset for at least the 90 minutes of the average game, but obviously for longer is US vs THEM, coupled with any cultural, religious, political, class bias and or prejudices held by each individual or group within that “tribe”.

For me, the crowds of a football match are not welcoming and inclusive. They are the baying mob of the Roman amphitheatre. They are the screaming hordes of Viking raiders, looting a monastery. The foot-soldier and cannon-fodder class given licence to scream at “the enemy” every weekend. Cheering a pig bladder hitting a net just as loud as a resident of Verulamium for a decapitation in gladiatorial combat.

Obviously any competition is going to attract supporters and if it becomes popular enough, the tribalism that fandom creates, and as such I cannot, will not, say that football is exclusively racist as an entertainment/sport. But, given the significance it is awarded within our culture, it is the most visible and apparently prevalent. Tribes define themselves by us & them. Tribes use the Us/Them justification for everything from cattle-raiding to hooliganism. A tribe is always looking for a target.

I’m not proud of this, but whenever I have been surrounded by football fans I have looked to make sure a member of their opponent’s tribe is visible. It’s cowardly, I know, but it was a survival technique. I have never looked like a foot-the-ball fan so I’ve always known if it kicks off, I’m a potential target for the tribe. The individual may not want conflict but the tribe is in control. The tribe is hungry and anyone not of the tribe is food.

Grow that tribalism within a series of dominant cultures that have, to a greater or lesser extent, used “different” as an excuse to abuse, denigrate, disenfranchise, exterminate and control and “the tribe” will always have a target.

You may ask where my enjoyment of rugby comes from then… I think it’s because any tribal rivalry I have witnessed has been at a national level. We, the Tribe, cheer or curse you, the player, because of the colour of your shirt, not the colour of your skin. And even if our tribe loses we still will not use your skin colour as an excuse. We will simply say that you were shit as a team. I’m not saying there isn’t racism in and around rugby, but it doesn’t become front page news that certain groups within the overall tribe turns upon itself simply because of the level of melanin in their skin.

If you are born, grow and learn in a society that has historically and traditionally used a person’s melanin levels, religious affiliation, and or country of origin as an excuse to alienate and divide communities at home, while murdering, subjugating, and stealing overseas you are at risk of being indoctrinated with the prejudices and justifications of the dominant culture.

And so for me, while Foot-the-ball should be about the “beautiful game” , it is, unfortunately, wrapped in a jingoistic, divisive, gladiatorial , nationalistic, aggressive culture that cheers on people sticking lit distress flares into their arse-cracks on a crowded street. A tribe that lauds a player for saying all children should eat not just the rich ones, and yet will boo and curse when the same player objects to an equally damaging injustice.

And so you have it. I don’t like foot-the-ball for the game, I don’t like all the shit that goes with it. I don’t like the baying of the mob. I don’t like the inequality of investment involved. I don’t like the (practically obligatory) faux-patriotism everybody is expected to display. I don’t like Us/Them mentality. I don’t like Racism and therefore, I can’t like football.

And don’t get me started on the vast waste of resources that is Golf!

Blog 1 : Essay 0

I’m sitting here trying to formulate a coherent essay for my first submission of my Classics MA and what does my brain do? That’s right, it goes walkabout…

And of course it doesn’t wander off anywhere relevant to the essay… No, the stupid thing decides to spend some time in the bizarre, swirling, ‘elfn’safety-nightmare, circus that I lovingly call “the adventure playground.”

But why do you call it that? Is the question nobody is asking…

Oh you did ask… Well in that case I will tell you… When I was young there were two types of playground that we kids could frequent… There was the official council maintained one… all safety equipment (for a given value of safe – it was the Seventies after all 🙂 ), all painted municipal blue, all surrounded by fences and all under the ever watchful eyes of “The Parkies”… All safe, clean and, for a short while, fun… especially when you could blag a yogurt or tea and biscuits from the lady parkie :)…

But the other playground… The Adventure Playground… That was something else entirely… That was a magical place… made entirely of scaffolding, old tyres, scrap cars and inner-tubes… Painted in a riot of colour… all splinters and broken arms…

Safety padding? What’s that? Exposed bolts… well yeah, I suppose someone could “have an eye out” on that but only if they’re bloody stupid 😀 … And what do you mean “What’s that?” Can’t you see it’s a twenty foot high spider web made out of old inner tubes hanging six feet off the ground… it’s for the kids to throw themselves into from that platform up there 😀 😀 … Oh yeah, we’ve got a zip wire :D… It’s over there by the climbing wall…

Like I said, a magical place!! And never a Parkie in sight!!!

And it is into my subconscious version of this wonderland that my thoughts drift at the time of writing… Well, truth to tell, pretty much any time that my mind isn’t fettered by outside stimuli… I’m not saying it’s not fun in there, nor is it not dangerous but it is the one place inside my head I’d rather be than anywhere else…

So now I’m going to tell you about a little adventure I had the other night whilst waiting for Lord Morpheus to pay me a visit… As you know, LSA and I have a four-legged flat mate that goes by the name Millie 🙂 ❤ … She has been with us for over two years now and thanks to my nocturnal wandering within my Adventure Playground (AP) I now believe I have deciphered some of her vocalisations… *

I have also come to the conclusion that cat-speak is an entirely situation based language…** Meaning, though a feline vocalisation may be written the same as another it is the situation in which the vocalisation occurs that gives it nuance and meaning… e.g : MMMmmmmrooooouuuulllllgghg will mean either “What have you done with Mouse?” If sung in the living room or “Why is my cupboard door closed?” If screamed from the kitchen…

There now follows just a few of the vocalisations heard on a fairly regular basis:

Meeeeeoooooouuurrrr MmmMMmmmmeeeeeeoooooowwoowowowww MMmmnnnneeeeeeeeooooooooouuugh = Get up!! Get Out Of Bed Now!!! – Usually heard within half a second of morning alarm going off (Other instances include; Somebody has just rolled over in bed. Somebody has just coughed in the bedroom. It’s three am and belly rubs are in order. The bipeds have just gone to bed but Mouse and Stringthing are calling and must be played with. I (Millie) have just farted in my tray and you need to remove it)

NNNNMMMmuuuuuueeeeerrrrrrggh MMMMMnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaarrggggg MMMMmMrrrrrrrreeeeeeoooooooogggggghhhhh = Oi Red!!! The Lanky One is still here!!! Make him go to bed. I want to sleep!!!

Sometimes confused with: NNNNMMMmuuuuuueeeeerrrrrrgghuuuggh MMMMMnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaarrgggggiiiioooorr MMMMmMrrrrrrrreeeeeeoooooooogggggghhhhhMmmmmnNNNnnnoouuuogh = Oi Red!! Get Up!! I Haven’t Had My Massage Yet!!! Get Up And Massage Me!!!***

YyYyyYYYYyyyyyyooooooooororroorrrrrrwwwwwwwllllllll MMMmmmmrrrrrrrooooooorrrrrrryyyylllll MMmmmmrrrrruuuuuummmmmmrnrnrnrrnnn Mmmmmmrrrrrooooooooyyyyylfflflll = Oi Lanky!!! Get out of that bath and come show your adoration by providing my sleeping place for the next four hours. – This can be repeated for upwards of fifteen minutes and/or at intervals of 10-20 minutes. I still haven’t worked out what the following ten minutes of the pitifully quiet Meeehor Meeehor Meeehor means but it does break my heart every time I hear it…

So there you go… These are the ones I have managed to decipher over the past two years… There are plenty more I assure you… We like to be generous and think that not all of her vocalisations are demands for attention, food or worship… We do think that some are simply the songs of her people that she has chosen to share with us at ten to four in the morning…

Well that’s it. You’ve managed to get through another one of these rollercoaster rides through my consciousness… And I now feel able to argue the relative merits of archaeology and literary research without resorting to bullet points 😀

I’ll leave you to your own adventures…

Loves Y’all

*Well of course I haven’t actually done so, I’m just anthropomorphising my cat and using this as an excuse to clear out my head in an attempt to write in 1000 words an argument that has taken better writers than I entire books…

** another language that appears to be situation based is Orang Utan (See: Unseen University Librarian)

***Another situationally dependant shout. The above is relevant only if sung outside the bedroom door. If it is heard from the kitchen it means: I want a Treat!!! give me a treat! Alright, I Might settle for a bit of extra food in my bowl bur what I really want is a treat!!

New chapter ahead

Hi there…

well that was an exciting opening wasn’t it…

I’m sitting here writing on my new tablet… no I’m not just boasting I am leading into the main point of this brief blog…

I just thought you, my loyal reader, would like to know that after a hiatus of two years I will be returning to the world of academia very soon…

and you know what that means don’t you?

Yes that’s right, more of these spam-filter evaders! Aren’t you lucky?!

And what makes it even more exciting is that I already have loads of ideas fizzing through the pile of grey matter that I laughingly call my mind…

Did you know I once thought that I should start building a mind palace to help with all the stuff I now have to know but I got lost in the foundations when I uncovered a particularly nice pot shard..

But that’s an historian for you 😂

Anyway that’s it… I’m off… bye for now…

Call that a Roman Villa?… (Gozo cont.)

When last seen, Our Hero and Lone Support Angel were enjoying a latte and pastizzi before going in search of Ninu’s Cave… Good news: We found it… Bad news: It’s closed…

So what do we do now?… Well why don’t we go find Calypso’s Cave? ooooh and they have a Roman Villa nearby… Bit of a Busman’s Holiday for Our Hero but … but… History!!

According to Homer, Odysseus was trapped on the island of Ogygia (Gozo) by Calypso until she was ordered by Zeus to release him… Now we all know that the Odyssey isn’t an entirely factual account of the events following the Trojan War ~Nicely put. Legal~ but that hasn’t stopped the tourist sector from cashing in on the events it recounts… And why not… Hell, if people were (are they still?) prepared to pay good money to follow in the footsteps of Robert Langdon (The Da Vinci Code) then why not visit the sites mentioned in the far superior Odyssey?

And so we shall… Oh Glod! who left the car parked in the only unshaded part of the street? Well done, Our Hero, now you are not only cramped and breathing diesel fumes but also being slowly cooked…

So head towards Ramla Bay and follow the signs for”It’s There!! Take that turn…  ” again the road sign is almost past the road we want… “it should be down here about half… Oh we’re here”… Soooooo… Calypso’s Cave is marked by a slight widening of the road, an ice cream van and a little shop selling jumpers… No, the cave is just beyond the shop… it must be along that path.. or should that be up these five steps to the viewing platform…

So, where is it? Oh, I get it… the cave is directly under the viewing platform… and, we can’t go in because it’s unsafe… Well, let’s just buy LSA that nice jumper she saw and then head on down to Ramla Bay for the villa…

The next mile of road leaves something to be desired to say the least… Our Hero is now cramped, hot and (despite avoiding most of the very worst pot-holes) bouncing around like a five year old on a bouncy castle… LSA appears more relaxed but that may be the bottle of water, the lack of steering wheel producing a permanent groove in her knees and not having her left foot twisted at an almost impossible angle to reach the clutch pedal… Wow, look at all this parking… Something tells me Ramla Bay is very popular…

[You mean all the kids running about, the people playing ball games, the swimmers, surfers,the huge cafe bar and the five ice cream vans isn’t a clue?]

First let us get our bearings… According to this map the villa is just beyond the public conveniences… so it must be here…


Surely that’s not it…

No, it must be further on… Maybe it’s over this dune… Or maybe this one… OK, it must be over this one… I’m just going to go back and have a look at that map again…


Nope, this is it…


Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the Roman Villa at Ramla Bay

Now, I know that my archaeology  experience is primarily armchair based but I have seen the odd one or two villas in my time… to say that this one wasn’t particularly well presented… Actually, I’m not going to complain about it… I know that Gozo doesn’t have a lot of money and that, for them, the villa probably isn’t that culturally or historically important… For all I know, it might not even be that well preserved or architecturally significant… but I do feel a little cheated…

Oh well, it’s almost siesta time so let us brave the Rocky Road to Dublin Gharb and have a rest before we head out for our evening meal… Tomorrow is another day…

It seems the hunting is tailing off… this morning Our Hero is awoken by about five shotgun blasts a minute rather than the twenty or so that so generously greeted each sunrise over the past few days… By Glod, it’s still only five am… I really want to kill somebody…

Fortify yourselves folks, gird your loins and sort out which is your best foot to put forward for today we are going for a hike up the coast… today we go in search of the Ancient Salt Pans… And so to Marsalforn… Let’s head out early so we beat the traffic (hahahahahahaha), and get most of the trek done before the heat of the day… twenty minutes later we’re at Marsalforn… are we ready for this? Yes, let’s go…

Gozitian guide books and maps being what they are we have no idea how old the salt pans really are… and, truth to tell, I don’t know if there is any way to actually find out… We do know that they were in use before the arrival of the Romans… So they probably do date back into pre-history… and are still in use today… Why are we so surprised that the hours long hike we were expecting take about half an hour? You’d think by now we would be used to how small this island actually is…

The Salt Pans is another history geek moment for Our Hero… yes castles, villas and temples are all fascinating but things like salt pans, aqueducts (and for some strange reason sewer systems) are always thrilling for me… They are the reminders of our humanity… the way I look at it, buildings reflect the relative wealth of their owners but we all need to eat, drink and crap so studying the methods and systems put in place to provide for these universal demands is a great reminder that we are all human… history from below the bottom up 🙂

Also, the salt pans are a fantastic innovation  when you think about it… and they look nice too…


Sea water and sunlight = salt

But hold on… Wasn’t that the mountain that the aliens landed on in Close Encounters?


LSA stood about ten feet away to give scale…

Oh no, you’re alright… it’s just a copy 😉

OK, even I’m getting bored with this now… I mean there are only so many ways I can say WeWentHereWeSawThat… and even the bad running joke that was the car can only go so far… Besides, most of the historical sites have been visited now… I don’t mean to sound dismissive but, truth to tell, I’m not really feeling this any more… Besides, there really not much more to say… We went back to the Citadella… We spent a few hours wandering around Victoria and the Craft Village… We climbed a hill looking at a bunch of statues about a cigarette smoking Roman soldier and some bloke carrying a log… We ate in some  delicious restaurants… We met a very cheeky ginger tom… We only just made it through security and passport control as last call for boarding was being announced for our return flight… We came home to our four legged flat mate and two friends (who proceeded to ply us with enough alcohol to render us barely coherent for the rest of the day… 🙂

I would like to thank Jackie and Mark at Ta’ Matmura Farmhouse B&B for the delicious meal they made for my B’day that we all celebrated together…

I would also like to add a recommendation to go visit Gozo… Oh and if you do go I suggest you stay at the Ta’ Matmura Farmhouse B&B… oh and tell them Our Hero and Lone Support Angel sent you…